CESSNA 120 120
CESSNA 140 140
CESSNA 140 140 A
CESSNA 140 A;188;A;B;AG Wagon (1966-71) normal category
CESSNA 150 150
CESSNA 150 150 A-B-C
CESSNA 150 150 D-E-F-G
CESSNA 150 150 H;J;K (K=8/8 height)
CESSNA 150 150 J float plane
CESSNA 150 150 L (71 height=8/8)
CESSNA 150 150M; A150M Aerobat span=32/9
CESSNA 150 A 150 K;L Aeroba (1971-73)71 height=8/8
CESSNA 150 A 150 L Aerobat (1974)
CESSNA 152 152;A152 (all w/conical wing tips)A152=2 mph less
CESSNA 170 170-A-B
CESSNA 172 172 B
CESSNA 172 172 C
CESSNA 172 172 I Skyhawk
CESSNA 172 172 K and L float plane
CESSNA 172 172 K and L Skyhawk
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